Finish Mowers, Wood Chippers, Rotary Cutters, Excavators, Post Hole Diggers, Ditch Mowing Equipment, Agricultural Bale Shredders, Agricultural Diggers,
Skid Steer Attachments,
Snowblowers and more.
Click on the manufacturers logos below for more information
To thousands of growers, Durand-Wayland
is a name synonymous with sprayers. Call to see which sprayer fits your needs today.
Stoltzfus has spreaders for dry lime, damp lime, fertilizer,
poultry litter, compost egg shells, gypsum,
cement, fly ash, quicklime and a special
line of orchard and vineyard spreaders.
We stock 3-4" by 8' round southern yellow pine CCA treated posts. We have many other sizes available. Call for details.
Check out other Products from these Fine Manufacturers
Click on Manufacturer web address for more information
TISCO is a trusted independent distributor of quality tractor parts as well as combine, agricultural implement, and light industrial replacement parts.
Shaver post drivers
are the world's
finest. They're built
heavier than the
job requires. With only six moving parts, these machines perform year after year.
Whether you are a large property
owner, part-time farmer, rancher, or
contractor worksaver has implements
to make your life easier.
We offer multiple lines of agricultural and industrial tires. call for a quote and availability.
Woods Equipment Company, headquartered in Oregon, Illinois, manufactures top quality attachments and genuine replacement parts for the agricultural, landscape, and light construction markets.
Don't see what you need, give us a call.
Clover Hill Sales, LLC
10425 Sidehill Road
North East, PA 16428
(814) 725-3102
Edwards offers a wide variety of Tractor Mounted Forklift models and accessories, as well as roadside Highway Mowers, and specialized Orchard and Vineyard equipment.
Chisholm Ryder and other grape harvester parts and belting
Agricultural, Landscape,Construction ,
Snow,Forestry, Sportsman
Ritchie Automatic Waterer
V&M Hydraulic Multiplier